Workshop on Cross-Border E-commerce Payment and Risk Management
The CAREC Institute, in collaboration with Xiamen Natio
The CAREC Institute, in collaboration with Xiamen Natio
This workshop is part of the larger initiative of ADB's ERCI. CI will take care of the regional aspect of this initiative. ERCI is conducting a project on CB of member countries on data collection, collation, and presentation of national accounts. This workshop will be an experience-sharing of these in-country initiatives.
The workshop gathered experts from development partners to discuss the continuing improvement of the CAREC Corridors Performance Measurement and Monitoring (CPMM) and promote the broader use of CPMM data in CAREC countries.
This workshop will inform member countries about regional countries taxation structure and contractual regimes to enable inflow and outflow of FDI.
Over 100 participants from development partner organizations, think tanks, business sector, and universities from CAREC member countries attended the forum. Participants exchanged knowledge and research on contemporary development challenges facing the CAREC region.
The intensive workshop, comprising of interactive lectures and group discussions, aimed to examine the role of renewable energy in promoting energy security in Central Asia.
The workshop aimed to promote Horticulture Value Chain in developing Asian countries consistent with the strategic themes of “Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth,” and “Support for Middle-Income Countries.”
The workshop identified medium- and long-term prospects for the CAREC Institute in relation to its work plan and program, and strengthened strategic partnership and cooperation.
Experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and World Trade Organization, recruited through a technical assistance promoting SPS measures in CAREC, conducted the workshop.
In conjunction with the launching of CAREC Institute’s physical base, the CAREC Institute and ADB Institute jointly organized a training workshop on Economic Corridors and Global Value Chains.
Representatives from nine CAREC member countries discussed the appointment of CAREC Institute (CI) director and deputy director 1, establishment of the recruitment and selection committee and the budget and audit committee, and adoption of the rules of procedure of the CI Governing Council.
The workshop discussed the 15 research proposals submitted by 11 participating institutes from CAREC countries.
Senior government officials of the eight CAREC countries were trained in five key areas: leadership, public sector management, strategic thinking and planning, public sector finance, and negotiation and persuasion.
The CAREC Institute Small Research Grants Program aims to encourage research by local researchers and institutes that will advance regional economic cooperation in the priority areas of transport, energy, and trade; and will support interaction among researchers and development of research networks in CAREC participating countries.
The CAREC Institute Research Program 2009-2011 will explore fundamental questions in five areas critical to supporting and deepening regional economic cooperation among CAREC countries.