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News Archive
The meeting between CAREC Institute and International Cooperation and Service Center of CAAC
On 9th November, 2018, the Director General of International Cooperation and Service Center/Foreign Airlines Service Center of CAAC (Civil Aviation Administration of China), Mrs. Qingfen Meng and two retinues visited CI and a meeting was held to discuss the collaboration between two organizations.
MoU between CAREC Institute and TRACECA (Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia)
Delegation of CAREC Institute led by director Mr. Bayaraa Sanjaasuren traveled to Baku, Azerbaijan for signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the CAREC Institute and the Permanent Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Commission TRACECA (TRACECA).
Celebration of the 1st anniversary of the IGA effectiveness
CAREC Institute staff celebrated the 1st anniversary of the establishment of the Institute as an intergovernmental knowledge and research institution.
CAREC to benefit from cooperation with BRI, says official
Sanjaasuren Bayaraa, director of the CAREC Institute in Urumqi, PRC, to enhance CAREC programs through knowledge generation and capacity building, said that CAREC should coordinate and collaborate with the Belt and Road Initiative for win-win results for all sides involved.
Regional economic cooperation institute to be created in Central Asia to strengthen CAREC Program activities
A Regional Economic Cooperation Institute was offered to be established in Central Asia to strengthen activities of the CAREC program and conduct necessary research.