Leveraging Digital Technology for Green, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth CTTN RESEARCH GRANTS PROGRAM (RGP) —Call for Papers

Established in 2017, the CAREC Think Tank Network (CTTN) acts as a regional network of leading think tanks in the eleven CAREC member states to promote regionalism by exchanging ideas, information, knowledge, and joint Research. Since its inception, the CTTN has organized flagship annual CAREC Think Tank Development Forums, managed Research Grants Program (RGP), and conducted dialogues among the regional think tanks. Launched in 2019, the Research Grants Program (RGP) has awarded sixteen research grants for undertaking policy research on pertinent regional topics to foster regional cooperation and integration in the CAREC region. The RGP is designed to (i) actively support CTTN member think tanks to produce policy research on topics of regional significance to add value to the regional body of knowledge, (ii) promote and facilitate collaboration among member think tanks to jointly work on regional issues, (iii) provide a regional platform to national think tanks to present their research output at the annual think tank development forum to a larger audience of think tanks, policymakers and development partners, and (iv) and encourage member think tanks to develop linkages with regional think tanks to understand better and analyze regional developmental context and imperatives.
This RGP for CTTN is titled Leveraging Digital Technology for Green, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. This RGP will provide funding to support research topics with a clear policy focus on the selected theme.
The general theme of the RGP is Leveraging Digital Technology for Green, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. While research topics are drawn from the five clusters of the CAREC 2030 and CAREC Institute (CI) 2021-2025 strategies, preference will be given to proposals supportive of and closely linked with the theme of this year’s RGP.
Research proposals are broadly expected to be drawn from the following topics:
o Digital policy, regulations, standards, and their conduciveness for cross-border trade
o State of investment in digital infrastructure, growth potential, and constraints
o Developing and enhancing digital skills and competencies for tackling the critical issue of unemployment
o Adopting green technology to minimize the damage to the environment and reduce climate change’s impact on life and livelihood
o Harnessing digital technology for expanding social inclusion, particularly the provision of affordable finance
o Strategies for developing an innovation ecosystem for reducing the digital divide
The above topics are indicative, and researchers are encouraged to draw topics from the five operational clusters of CAREC Strategy 2030, which support green, sustainable, and inclusive growth by adopting digital technologies. Further, proposals comparing (sub) regions and deriving lessons from Asia are especially welcome.
CTTN member think tanks within the CAREC region are eligible to apply by submitting an institutional proposal to develop a country case study that will become part of a regional report – CTTN Regional Report – combining five country case studies. A think tank can submit more than one proposal on the topics mentioned above. Emphasis is placed on policy suggestions and recommendations that address country-specific issues and challenges and promote regional integration in the CAREC region.
The research grant is for nearly SEVEN months from the date of grant approval.
The CI will finance a total of five research grants each year. The amount of each grant will be a maximum of US$6,000.
The following deliverables are expected:
1. A Professionally edited, Research-based Policy Paper (not exceeding 10,000 words, excluding references) suggesting policies on the senior government level.
2. A Presentation with key findings of the Research at the CAREC Think Tanks Development Forum (CTTDF). This is subject to CAREC Institute’s approval.
3. Input in the forms of the policy brief, article, and blog entry to the CI’s and its partners’ knowledge platforms (CTTN blog, E-Learning Platform, Development Asia etc.), as required by the CAREC Institute.
Timelines for the research grant are shown in the schedule
The CI and the participating think tanks will own copyrights of research deliverables. Both institutions will be entitled to publish research deliverables on their respective websites and/or the institutions’ journals bearing both institutions’ logos. The use of CI’s logo is subject to the final paper’s approval by the CI Publication Board, consistent with its quality standards.
Applications for research grants should be emailed to Mr. Khalid Umar, Chief, Strategic Planning Division, at khalidu@carecinstitute.org with the subject “CTTN Research Grants Program.”
The following documents are required of all applicants:
1. Application form (see Annex 1);
2. CV and a list of publications (in English);
3. Detailed research proposal: definition of the research goals, details of the research methods, the stages of Research, timetable, and the contribution which the study is expected to make, in English (up to 3 pages);
4. Sample of Writing (printed research papers, policy briefs, and op-eds and etc.); and
5. Certificate of Institutional Establishment/legal entity.