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The 8th World Cross-border E-commerce Conference and Commodity Exhibition

The CAREC Institute, in collaboration with the China-ASEAN Center and China Association of Trade in Services (CATIS), will be hosting the 8th World Cross-border E-commerce Conference and Commodity Exhibition in Langfang, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) from 16 to 17 June 2024. This annual event, organized by CATIS in collaboration with multiple co-organizers, serves

Showing 41 - 42 of 42 records

Workshop on CAREC Institute 2009 Small Research Grants Program

The CAREC Institute Small Research Grants Program aims to encourage research by local researchers and institutes that will advance regional economic cooperation in the priority areas of transport, energy, and trade; and will support interaction among researchers and development of research networks in CAREC participating countries.

Inaugural Meeting of CAREC Research Institutes

The CAREC Institute Research Program 2009-2011 will explore fundamental questions in five areas critical to supporting and deepening regional economic cooperation among CAREC countries.

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