Dialogue on Sustainable Water Governance and Management in Central Asia in Times of Growing Climate Uncertainty

The CAREC Institute delivered its first regional water dialogue in partnership with other implementing partners on 10 February 2022.
The dialogue brought together prominent water and development experts from leading development partners active in the region to discuss and explore collaboration opportunities in support of the ongoing efforts and reforms in sustainable water management in Central Asia.
Guy Bonvin, Swiss Special Envoy; Benjamin Pohl, Head of Programme of Climate Diplomacy and Security at adelphi; Kazuhiro Yoshida, Senior Water Resources Specialist at the Asian Development Bank (ADB); Ekaterina Strikeleva, Chief of Party of the USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity; Alexandr Nikolayenko, Regional Adviser of Green Central Asia; Márton Krasznai, Scientific Director at Corvinus University Budapest; Dinara Ziganshina, Acting Director, Scientific Information Center for Water Coordination in Central Asia, spoke at the event. All discussants echoed the need for further collaboration among states and implementing partners to address threats of water scarcity in the region.
The video recordings of the event along with all learning materials is available at the CAREC Institute e-learning platform.