Dialogue II: Sustainable Water Governance in Central Asia Aimed Climate Vulnerabilities
The CAREC Institute in partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB),ADB-PRC Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative (RKSI) and Xinjiang Institute of Ecology & Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XIEG) delivered the 2nd Water Dialogue on Sustainable Water Governance in Central Asia Aimed Climate Vulnerabilities on April 27.
During the meeting, Water Footprint Implementation presented the findings of the analytical report Water Footprint Analysis of Central Asia, which was supported by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) within scope of Blue Peace Initiative. The report provides evidence-based and in-depth explanations, as well as policy recommendations for mitigating climate change challenges through sustainable water management practices.
The second Water Dialogue aimed at promoting an open dialogue among leading experts in the field of water management on pathways to sustainable and climate adaptive water management systems in Central Asian countries, discussing practical implications of the report Water Footprint Analysis of Central Asia, and exploring the potential coordination mechanisms between the ADB-CAREC Water Pillar and regional initiatives of international and regional partners in Central Asia.
The experts shared their takeaways from report, and views on its main findings which are important for the future of the region’s water under augmenting climate change.
All materials and webinar recordings are available through the CAREC Institute’s e-learning platform.