CAREC Road Safety Capacity Building Program: Workshop on “CAREC Road Safety and Sustainable Mobility Course”

The CAREC Institute, in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), offers an integrated CAREC Road Safety Capacity Building Program. This Program will include a five-day practical workshop on “CAREC Road Safety and Sustainable Mobility” from February 26th to March 1st, 2024, in Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic. The workshop will be co-organized by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Asia Pacific Road Safety Observatory (APRSO).
The Program’s goal is to initiate the sustainable transfer of practical knowledge accumulated by international development partners in road safety, including the CAREC Road Safety Strategy, manuals, and associated learning materials, to relevant CAREC institutions and to form communities of practice among leading CAREC road safety professionals from Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
The Program includes three aligned phases that are designed to immerse participants in a range of activities that build technical knowledge and enhance leadership and collaboration skills in order to enable evidence-based road safety intervention development and implementation. The Program utilizes the CAREC Institute’s three-phased capacity building approach.
Phase 1 – Online Capacity Building (December 2023, online): This phase included a tailored online engagement with participants in a series of online training activities to build their technical knowledge and expertise on international best practices of road safety interventions.
Phase 2 – CAREC Road Safety and Sustainable Mobility Course (26 February – 1 March 2024, in-person):The CAREC Road Safety and Sustainable Mobility Course is a one-week, in-person program that provides a unique opportunity for practitioners in the relevant fields from the CAREC region to engage with international experts and form strong collaborative approaches to road safety action.
The specific objectives of the training program are to:
• facilitate sustainable transfer of road safety knowledge and best practices to CAREC national technical institutions and form communities of practice among leading CAREC professionals;
• enhance the capacity of the CAREC countries in the field of road safety engineering to effectively achieve strategic goals of keeping CAREC transport corridors safe;
• promote evidence-based policy and decision making in the road safety in the CAREC region and continue providing knowledge support to member countries;
• prototype an annual, immersive road safety training program for professionals in the CAREC region in alignment with the CAREC Road Safety Program; and
• establish the national knowledge and skills base for development of investment-ready, large scale road safety programs for consideration by governments and development agencies.
Phase 3 – The third phase involves a strategic meeting and launch of a longstanding online community of practice.