CAREC Chai IV: Scoping Study on Climate Change in the CAREC Region: Issues and Actions

The CAREC Institute, in collaboration with the CAREC Secretariat and the Asian Development Bank, will host the 4th CAREC Chai event on 10 April 2023, at 19:00 Beijing time, to discuss climate change issues and actions in the CAREC region.
The Chai event is based on CAREC Program’s scoping study “Supporting Regional Actions to Address Climate Change as a Cross-Cutting Theme Under CAREC 2030.” Countries in the CAREC region are facing severe impacts of climate change and may face more in the future. It is therefore timely for CAREC to continue focusing on climate change as a cross-cutting issue for its CAREC 2030 Strategy.
During the Chai event, invited experts from the Brooking Institution, the CAREC Institute, the ADBI and renowned universities will share their views on this important topic.
Simultaneous English and Russian interpretations will be available during the webinar.
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