CAREC Institute Meets with Sage Publishing to Explore Partnership Opportunities

7 May 2024

On May 6th, the team from Sage Publishing, headed by Ms. Rosalia da Garcia, Managing Director, paid a visit to the CAREC Institute to explore potential collaboration opportunities in publishing journals and books featuring research papers from the CAREC region.

Dr. Kuat Akizhanov, Deputy Director of the CAREC Institute, extended a warm welcome to the delegation members and provided an overview of the institute’s knowledge production and sharing initiatives. He emphasized that research stands as a cornerstone of the CAREC Institute’s mission, aimed at identifying the region’s most pressing challenges and offering policy recommendations. The institute’s research outputs encompass comprehensive reports, scholarly articles, and economic briefs, all rooted in thorough independent analysis. Additionally, the institute facilitates research collaboration through initiatives like the Visiting Fellowship Program and Research Grants Program. Annual events such as the Think Tank Development Forum and research conferences further foster dialogue among regional researchers and facilitate the exchange of ideas and insights.

During the presentation, Ms. Rosalia da Garcia outlined the range of services offered by SAGE Publishing, encompassing academic journal and book publishing, reference works, textbooks, and online resources spanning social sciences, humanities, and science, technology, and medicine. Sage Publishing offers high-quality, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal content through platforms like Sage Premier, which provides access to over 950 journal titles and 1 million articles. Additionally, Sage Publishing supports open access publishing through initiatives like Sage Open, Sage Choice, and the Sage Gold OA package. These products aim to disseminate research to a broad audience and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in various fields. She emphasized that partnering with the CAREC Institute would facilitate greater understanding of the CAREC region within the global research community, enabling the sharing of local research and providing local researchers with the opportunity to publish their papers in reputable journals.

The parties also explored the possibility of publishing the CAREC Institute’s annual research book with Sage Publishing. Collaborating with Sage Publishing would enhance the credibility and visibility of the institute’s research findings and insights. By publishing the research book with Sage Publishing, the CAREC Institute’s research would gain recognition and legitimacy, thereby extending its impact and reach among policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders in the CAREC region. Additionally, cooperation between two organizations would provide access to a broader network of experts, institutions, and resources in the region. This collaboration can aim to facilitate knowledge exchange, promote best practices, and foster dialogue on key issues related to sustainable development, economic integration, and regional cooperation.

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