Upcoming Event: Country-Specific Workshops on Road Asset Management – Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan

The CAREC Institute, in partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), will host country-specific workshops on Road Asset Management (RAM) in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, during May 23-26 , and in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, during May 29-June 1. These multi-session workshops are designed based on the CAREC Institute RAM maturity assessment of the CAREC countries and the developed action plan, which were conducted in 2021. The workshops offer practical training to RAM professionals, including senior officials and experts with extensive experience in the road sector, road authorities, consultants, and RAM academics. They are delivered in collaboration with the Kyrgyz State Technical University and the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The core objectives of the workshops are:
· to carry out country review on the implementation of RAM and to further develop the target participants’ knowledge and skills on asset data collection, management and maintenance;
· to introduce the road related Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and counter measures as well as to produce country specific improvement plan in GHG reduction;
· to create a core group of competent asset managers within each CAREC country and ultimately across the CAREC region who can support each other in RAM; and
· to enhance member countries capabilities for bridging capacity gaps among member countries on RAM and promote cooperation among experts and policymakers and influencers.