Elderly Care System Development Forum - A Case Study of Yichang City and International Experience Exchange

Date: 26-28 September 2022
ADB and the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) will jointly host an online international forum on elderly care system development to encourage dialogue, knowledge exchange from policy and specific program implementation, and discussion of future opportunities and challenges. The conference will consist of several keynote speeches, a case study of Yichang City, a south-south knowledge-sharing workshop and thematic workshops attended by high-profile speakers, sharing international practices. CAREC Institute, and other partners, will provide technical support to the forum and promote knowledge dissemination.
The objectives of this forum are to:
(i) enhance knowledge exchange from ADB’s elderly care projects for possible replication of innovative practices, particularly a detailed case study of ADB and YMG’s long-term partnership in elderly-case system development.
(ii) strengthen capacity of ADB developing member countries to better plan, design, implement, and monitor programs for elderly care system development and other aging strategic plans.
(iii) trigger dialogue and develop future partnerships on elderly care and adaptation to an aging demographic.
English, Chinese and Russian will be available throughout the forum. Please register here